Saturday, April 25, 2009

New Dog

Well, we've got yet ANOTHER dog at our house. My sister and her family are moving and couldn't take their dog with them, so we decided to try him at our house. We went to Alabama today to pick him up and he is HUGE! He almost squished my guts out on the way home. We're not too fond of his name, but he's over a year old and used to it. My sister & her husband named him Butch (which Clint said reminds him of a manly lesbian:) I'll put up pictures of him and the other doggies soon.

Monday, April 20, 2009

God Never Promised Us a Rose Garden

As most of you know, I've been going through a lot of trials and tribulations. I am so thankful for those of you that have been keeping me in your prayers & thoughts. I know that God never promised us an easy life, and I know that if I have enough faith that God will bring me through this. My sister told me today that she felt God telling her to let me know that I am already healed and all I have to do is claim my gift that God's offering me.
I just want to thank everyone for being so supportive during my "hard" time.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Still Fighting Illness

My sweet baby boy is STILL sick! We ended up back at the doctor Friday morning after he started gagging and very unnatural looking things started coming out of his throat (I'll spare the gory details). Dr. Ski said we have our 2nd ear infection, bronchittis, & pnemonia! Isn't that just lovely?!? He gave us about 4 different meds for him to take and said he would be fine to go back to daycare today (Monday). Well, about 9:30 this morning I found out he was not ready for school! Daycare called (I LOVE Mary Ann!!) and I had to leave work to go get him. Please keep Connor in your prayers. He could be so much worse off, so God is really so good!
It's 9:00pm now and I guess I'll go to bed! I hope everyone has a super duper week!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Sick Baby

Mommy rocking both the boys. If it looks uncomfortable, it was, but I wish I could do this every minute of everyday.

Noah trying to cheese next to his bubby. Connor was rocking... again...

Mommy rocking with a sick baby Connor. Check out his "lovey" it's a plastic ear of corn from Noah's kitchen set. He wouldn't let go of it for a few days! Too funny :)

We've been battling Connor being sick for the past week. It's so pitiful to watch him. He's been crying, running a fever, and coughing. We've taken him to the doctor and they said that he has a cold. That was such a blessing because we thought that his RSV might be back. He's still not doing great, his nose is the LOVELIEST shade of bright green snot, but I'm happy that it's not RSV.

Poor Noah has been such a great sport while his "baby" has been sick. He's had to deal with mommy holding Connor & rocking him a lot more. You can tell he's jealous, but he's being such a great big brother! I am so blessed with my big boy. I love him more than he'll ever know.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cereal Box Book Reports

In my classroom, we are almost finished with every book in our Scott Foresman reading series. To keep us from having NOTHING to do for hte last 3 weeks of school I decided to shake things up a bit. So, this week instead of having a regular reading story, workbook pages, & test, we did cereal box book reports. The students have to do a mandatory reading fair project next year, so what better way to get them ready than to introduce it now?!?

The kids LOVED doing this. I was actually surprised at how much fun they had! They worked with partners & made their own book reports on cereal boxes. On the front they had to write the name of their book & an illustration (one that was not on the front cover of the book), one side had the main characters, the other side had the setting, the back had the book summary, and on the top of the box they had to write the title, author, #of pages, & how many stars they gave the book.

I loved this project and can't wait to do it again!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Been a LONG time!

Noah with balloon boobies. This was from New Year's Eve, but he just looks so cute with his tata's!

My sleepy boy at breakfast!

It's been so long since I have blogged that I actually kinda forgot I have a blogspot! Sad...
Well, things have been going great. Life is flying by way too quickly. I've got loads of pictures to post of the boys. I can't believe that in just a few short months (July) my babies will be 4 and 1! I think it may be time to add another one to the mix :)

Connor looking too cool in his sunglasses!